The Power of One Program Kit

This is an opportunity to use three powerful new Essences to Embrace Silence, Cultivate Success and Contribute to A New World of Hope as you come into alignment with better choices and your own life purpose.

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The Power of One is a 33 day self-care program - Includes 3 Playbooks, 3 Essences (Infinite Potential, Essence of Success, and A New World of Hope), and one instructional guide.

The Power of One Program is a journey to reconnect with yourself, your inner knowing and ultimately to connect with your life purpose.

The purpose of The Power of One Program is to claim your personal power to transform your own life.

Each exercise is designed to give you a moment to reflect on where you are and to consider possibilities of where you want to be. The Essences are powerful tools to open new perceptions and possibilities.

As you work with the Essences and Playbooks, you will learn to:

- Listen to your own soul
- Calm your mind
- Release toxic emotions
- Activate your ability to access your inner guidance
- Connect with your own unique mission – your soul purpose

Customer Reviews

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Mitra Atma
Manifest Your Deepest Heart's Desires!

The Power of One

In January, I once again found myself at a crossroads in life. As I inquired within as to which direction I would walk, I began the Power of One program approximately 40 days ago. I took breaks between the 11 day reflection cycles to integrate and allow the creative energies to emerge and flow.

I have personally experienced the power of Pacific Essences and witnessed their transformative powers heal clients throughout the 10 years since I trained as an Energy Medicine © Practitioner. The essences brought me to the truth about how the most subtle energies are often the most powerful.

Beginning with the Infinite Potential, I returned to the still, silent place within. The meditations were light, reminding me I am held and supported by the Universe. Every moment is a moment to delight in love and in being loved. This fortified me and allowed me to be grateful for lessons and blessings I’ve received recently, and to clear the decks for new beginnings, clearly guided by my Heart.

With A New World of Hope I deepened into an up-levelled state of joy, and rose into my sovereign Self. I envisioned the world I wish to see and to co-create. I released the old and prepared to set off on the path I am destined to walk. My heart-mind expanded farther, revealing additional beliefs to release, as well as more supports for my journey.
A deep abiding peace arose knowing I am clearly guided to my life’s purpose as I dance to the rhythm of my Heart’s guidance. It was a profound realization that as I envisioned my new world, it was a reflection of the essence of who I AM - sooo POWERFUL!

The Essence of Success sent me forth on the journey to manifest my vision. The synchronicities have been flowing through my life as I magnetized myself in my alignment of the higher vision for my life. How do I make Love visible in the world? This program brought forth my deepest Heart’s desires and supported the growth of my clarity and confidence in stepping forth to co-create the world I long for, and to live my truth in it. Most interestingly, the final day of the Essence of Success brought me back to where I started - in the Heart. The final lines I journaled: “I am here to discover the Light and Love that I AM, in essence. Then I AM to mirror that back to all whom I encounter.” This is the ultimate essence of my path, as I currently take steps to build my dream life.

For the third time in the past 12 years I again find myself living the deep truth of T.S. Eliot’s words:

"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrivewhere we began and to know the place for the first time.”