Global Facilitators

Pacific Essences® has an expert team of facilitators who are ready to serve you from all around the world. Each of these facilitators has taken our Energy Medicine® Practitioner training – they are as committed as we are to supporting individuals on their healing journey.

Maryanne Campeau
Maryann’s interest in healing was sparked in a college pharmacology class in the 1970s. Her fascination with the history of pharmaceuticals led her into the world of herbal medicine. With her first herbal book, and while living in the deep woods of British Columbia, she developed a close relationship with nature. On the first day of her formal herbal medicine training in 1980, with what was then the Victoria School of Healing Arts, she was introduced to the works of Dr. Edward Bach and flower essences. And so it began – a lifelong love of Essences. Maryanne specializes in working with animals using Essences and homeopathy together. The template of the 5 Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine and kinesiology are key tools with her animal work. Together with Michael and Sabina, Maryanne co-created the Essences for Animals Combinations for Pacific Essences.

Vivian Hulley Bittencourt
Vivian has a degree in Education from the Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo, and has worked at numerous elementary, middle, and high schools in Brazil. Parallel to her work as a teacher, she studied and gained training as a Master in Reiki with Robert Baker, and a Master in Magnified Healing and Light Healing with Gisele King. Vivian is also a certified ‘Soul Coaching’ teacher for Denise Linn, earned her Level 1 of EFT with Karen Davis, studied with Dr. Lyn E. Ayre and Donna Eden and Dr. David Feinstein, and has taken courses in kinesiology and muscle balancing with Carlos Costa. Since 2000, Vivian has been working with Pacific Essences, helping to translate founder Sabina Pettit’s courses into Portuguese and facilitating Energy Medicine® training in both English and Portuguese, along with Qi Gong for health and vitality.

Tereza Guimares
Trained as a medical doctor, Tereza graduated from the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil) in 1979. Although psychiatry was originally her primary area of focus, she realized she could find broader understanding in the holistic principles of homeopathy. She completed her specialist training in this discipline in 1987 at the Hahnemannian Institute of Brazil, where she first encountered flower Essences. Seeking to further her knowledge of this powerful healing resource, she completed training with both the Flower Essence Society (United States) and Pacific Essences. Tereza is an authorized practitioner and teacher with both organizations. She also completed the Dakshina Tantra Yoga teacher training course in 2010 with the Brazilian Association of Dakshina Tantra Yoga, and Advanced Kinesiology Studies in 2015 from the School of Kinesiology of Portugal.

Cassia dos Santos Ferreira
Cassia is trained in Applied Kinesiology, Massages, Family Constellation, Shamanic Constellation, regression and Hypnotherapy, and has been working with flower remedies since 1991. Cassia has completed the necessary teacher training to facilitate courses through Pacific Essences, Healing Herbs, the Flower Essence Society California, and Ararêtama.

Matthew Wyman
Matthew Wyman is UK Facilitator and Distributor for Pacific Essences, and a practicing astrologer and astrology teacher. He recently retired after 30 years teaching about Russian history and politics, during which time he was speaking about hell by day and the heavens by night. He is based in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, and is available for consultations or Essence orders via email or phone (click the links below). For further details see his web page: