Fire for Animals

To be joyful and loving.

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Fire for Animals

Essences (Realm) Combinations for Animals
Resonance Joy
Key Attractors Playfulness, Vitality, Enthusiasm
Key Challenges Lethargy, Low vitality, Lack of interest in life, Depression, Bored, Agitated, Excitable, Mood swings, Relationship challenges, Chilly - seeks physical warmth, Trust issues
Meridians All, Bladder, Conception Vessel, Gall Bladder, Governing Vessel, Heart, Heart Protector, Kidney, Lar
Chakras All, Back Head, Back Neck, Crown, Forehead, Heart, Meng Mein, Navel, Root/Basic, Sacral/Sex, Solar P
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual Joyful, Playful