Dogwood Tree Essence

Becoming the Peaceful Warrior

Dogwood Tree Essence is for taking care of our hearts so that our hearts will take care of us; cultivating the innate Cellular intelligence of the heart which is capable of healing the mind; becoming the peaceful
warrior where we become able to dismiss and delete toxic and volatile emotions and judgements.

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Satomi Dogwood

Cornus kousa

Essences (Realm) Tree Essences
Resonance Peaceful Warrior, Wu Wei
Key Attractors Equanimity, Cellular Intelligence
Key Challenges Judgements, Toxic Emotions, Volatility
Meridians Heart
Chakras Throat
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual
  • Peaceful Warrior
  • Judgement
  • Toxic thoughts
  • Toxic emotions
  • Non-doing
  • Non-resistance
  • Wu Wei
  • Witnessing