Flower & Tree Essences

Flower essences are the unique energetic imprint of living energy in Nature. As such they have qualities that resonate with states of being - joy, self-esteem, focus, etc. Research shows that when taking an essence that unique energy speaks to the very atoms and cells of our being and gently coaxes us to absorb the frequency thus restoring harmony and balance to the Body/Mind.

The healing gifts of the flowers of the Pacific Northwest on Vancouver Island are abundant and unique, such that each of the 60 flower and tree essences in the Pacific Essences® repertory contributes a unique vibration that can assist humans to heal physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Get Anxiety Relief with Flower Essences

Flower essences are natural and powerful healing tools to help us to deal with anxiety, stress and overwhelm.

Some specific flower essences for anxiety include Bluebell which helps us to breathe during panic and anxiety attacks and Narcissus which calms that feeling of ‘butterflies in your stomach’ when you are overthinking, obsessing or worrying. Another great flower essence for anxiety is Grape Hyacinth. It is specifically useful where a free floating state of anxiety occurs after some major stress or trauma. Grape Hyacinth has the capacity to relieve anxiety by addressing and healing the root cause.

How to Use Flower Essences

To achieve optimal results we recommend taking Flower Essences for orally - 11 drops under the tongue on waking and before going to sleep. It is also possible to take 2 - 3 drops as required throughout the day.

Find the Right Flower & Tree Essence for You

One of the ways to choose the best Flower or Tree Essence for you is to type in key words which describe how you are feeling or key words which describe how you want to feel. For example if you type in ‘anxiety’ a variety of Flower and Tree Essences might appear and when you read the description you will recognize the one that most readily addresses your situation. Or you can type in ‘calm’ or ‘equanimity’ and other Flower and Tree Essences will appear. Again, reading the description or sometimes even being attracted to the image of the Flower or Tree Essence will help you to choose the best essence for you. Alternately you can consult with a Flower Essence therapist or other health professional who is educated in the field of Flower Essences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Flower essence therapy is a gentle and effective way to take care of our Body/Mind and to live fuller and more satisfying lives because we are more present and we are empowered to be the best we can be - not for anyone else but just for ourselves. These conscious living energies from Nature are given freely to enhance the health and well-being of humans.
Flower essences do really work. Apart from 35 years of case studies from around the world, there are innumerable stories of their impact on the lives and well-being of animals and small children. This in itself is irrefutable proof that essences work.
There are innumerable benefits to flower essence therapy. At the simplest level essences can help us to erase some behaviour, some thought pattern or some emotion that is not life-supporting - eg. Anger and fear. On another level, flower essences help us to identify some new energy that we would like to experience in our lives - joy, peace, self-confidence, abundance = an endless list of infinite possibilities to transform ourselves and how we engage in the world.
Flower essences are made by placing freshly picked flowers in a crystal bowl filled with spring water early in the morning. The bowl is placed in the sun - the sunlight acts as a catalyst to infuse the water with the energetic imprint of the plant. The water is then mixed 50% with brandy, which acts as a preservative. This is the Mother essence, or the first dilution.