Do Animals Feel the Effects of Essences?

Do Animals Feel the Effects of Essences?

Posted by Sabina Pettitt on

I have long believed that some of the most significant evidence for the healing properties of flower and sea essences is how animals respond to them. I was struck by this was when the practitioner who made the combination which was later named Heart Spirit sent us some stories about how she had observed Heart Spirit™ work. 

So this month I asked Maryanne Campeau, our friend and colleague who has worked with essences and animals for many years, to share some of her experiences of animal responses to these gentle healing gifts from Nature.

Do animals feel the effects of essences? 

I’ve worked with a great many animals over the years and there have been several occasions that have lead me to conclude yes, they can feel the difference essences make in their lives.

While most may not show outward signs of this, some do.

I remember a beautiful Siberian Husky, with her soulful blue eyes who would sit close and stare at me as I chose her essences. She didn’t take her eyes off me throughout the whole process. Her human remarked that she had a special bond with me, different from everyone else. Was it because of the essences?

A Sheltie friend lost her main person to cancer. This dog’s deep grief expressed as lethargy, lack of interest in food and withdrawal.  Antidepressant drugs were being considered by her remaining, concerned caregiver. 

Shortly after she was started on essences, not only did she engage with life again but she would dance in circles when she saw her essence bottle. Literally  bouncing and dancing until she received her essences, which were applied externally. 

Ok, but was it really the essences?  She was a very well loved dog who received lots of affection and pats. So it wasn’t because of the attention nor did she receive an edible treat. 

Her bottle dance was an act of anticipation. Something about that bottle made her feel good and she felt it. 

Then there was Miss Tea.

Tea wasn’t the only cat in the household. There were several water bowls in various parts of the house for them.  But Miss Tea only drank from the one that had her essences added. 

As well she would come running when called for her essences and tilt her head downward waiting for the essences to be dropped on her. 

The cat who tickled me most in her response to essences was Ginger.

She was my friend’s cat.

First thing in the mornings when I was in the kitchen she would come up to me and meow for her essences.

I used the small deck of Pacific Essences® My Animal Say cards which were launched after the Essences for Animals combination were produced. There is one card for each combination. 

The idea being, like other card decks is that you shuffle and pick a card intuitively. For animals you chose on their behalf. 

Each morning I would shuffle for her.  And we would come up with her essence. I would put the chosen essence on a spoon for her to take. She loved it! We repeated this ritual daily.

Here is a very short video of Ginger taken years ago. 



You judge for yourself. Do animals feel the effects of essences? 

blessings Maryanne Campeau

 Pacific Essences Animals Essences

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