Our Blogs
Taking Care of Your Heart
And Falling In Love With Your Life This quote from The Little Prince by St. Exupéry has resonated with humans for the better part...
How Do You Want To Feel Today?
There's An Essence For That! As we launch ourselves into a brand-new year, I want to introduce you to our updated search database on our...
Cultivating Equanimity and Joy in this Season of Giving
Perhaps you've heard the expression, 'Random acts of kindness, and senseless acts of beauty.' I'm not certain when I heard this phrase for the first...
Essences, Moon Signs, and Emotional Habits
Written by Pacific Essences Facilitator and Distributor Matthew Wyman Working with our astrological birth chart is a speedy way to gather insights into our gifts...
Which Essence Is For Me?
Searching the Pacific Essences Repertory Sometimes I am still a little bit perplexed when people don’t ‘get’ flower Essences. We live in a world of...
Harnessing the Power of Essential Oils: Nature’s Healing through Pacific Essences
In the pursuit of wellness, the power of nature has always held a special place. Essential oils, with their potent plant extracts, offer a natural...
What if...
... human beings acted more like plants? Summer is coming to a close here on the West Coast and all the early flowers have long...
Exploring Cellular Memory
Cellular memory – what is it? How does it work to either cripple us and keep us stuck, or to help us effect deep healing...
Cellular Memory - A Reading List
If you are curious about cellular memory and eager to learn more, I have created a 'reading list' for you to peruse. These selections are...