Pacific Essences - Rutile - Gem & Crystal Essences
Pacific Essences - Rutile - Gem & Crystal Essences


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RUTILE Gem Essences alleviates fear and anxiety; balances disturbed energy patterns; promotes homeostasis


  • I filter my life experiences through my spiritual perception.


Ti O2

Essences (Realm) Gem Essences
Resonance Directed
Key Attractors Purposeful, Homeostasis
Key Challenges Stress, Tension
Meridians Kidney
Chakras Sacral/Sex
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual
  • Expanded awareness 
  • Awareness - Spiritual perception
  • Balance after shock or trauma
  • Harmony in Body/Mind
  • Spiritual Clarity
  • Tension
  • Endocrine System - Adrenals
  • Genito-urinary System - Supports role of kidneys to cleanse blood & detoxify the body
  • Cell Memory - Loss of ability of cells to adapt
  • Directed
  • Genito-urinary System - Regulates sodium potassium pump in each cell
  • Purposeful
  • Homeostasis
  • Stress

Essences - 11 drops orally morning and evening.

Aromatherapy Oils - External Use Only. Apply directly to skin.

Aromatherapy Diffusers - Only for use in Aromatherapy Diffusers.

Aromatherapy Sprays - External Use Only to spray in your energy field or in a space.


RUTILE Gem Essences alleviates fear and anxiety; balances disturbed energy patterns; promotes homeostasis


  • I filter my life experiences through my spiritual perception.



Ti O2

Essences (Realm) Gem Essences
Resonance Directed
Key Attractors Purposeful, Homeostasis
Key Challenges Stress, Tension
Meridians Kidney
Chakras Sacral/Sex
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual
  • Expanded awareness 
  • Awareness - Spiritual perception
  • Balance after shock or trauma
  • Harmony in Body/Mind
  • Spiritual Clarity
  • Tension
  • Endocrine System - Adrenals
  • Genito-urinary System - Supports role of kidneys to cleanse blood & detoxify the body
  • Cell Memory - Loss of ability of cells to adapt
  • Directed
  • Genito-urinary System - Regulates sodium potassium pump in each cell
  • Purposeful
  • Homeostasis
  • Stress


Essences - 11 drops orally morning and evening.

Aromatherapy Oils - External Use Only. Apply directly to skin.

Aromatherapy Diffusers - Only for use in Aromatherapy Diffusers.

Aromatherapy Sprays - External Use Only to spray in your energy field or in a space.