Pacific Essences® formulates pure Flower, Sea and Gem & Crystal Essences as non-invasive, gentle and effective tools for healing. As the leading practitioners and pioneers of Energy Medicine®, we have over 30 years of experience producing, teaching and testing essences on individuals and in case studies.

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What is an Essence?

Essences are a safe, easy to use form of Energy Medicine®. The remedies support rebalancing on the wholistic level, to achieve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual homeostasis.

We call it energy medicine because in fact it is through the essences’ relationship and interaction with the energy systems (chakras and meridians) in the human being that healing occurs.

Since the visionary work of Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s, the development and knowledge of flower essences has been expansive and exciting. Pacific Essences® has been a contributor to the continued growth of Energy Medicine®, with high quality, consciously prepared, flower, sea and gem essences.

How Essences Work

Current scientific research, including that of Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown that water has a memory...

The body has an innate intelligence to self-correct imbalanced or negative states...

What are the ingredients?

Pacific Essences® do NOT contain any physical elements...

How are they made?

The flower is placed into a crystal bowl filled with pure spring water...

How are Essences used?

Typically taken orally, essences can be used directly from the stock bottle...

The daily dosage is individual, generally, 4 drops, 2-4 x a day or 11 drops morning and evening...

Essences can also be used in the bath.

For those with alcohol sensitivities, children and pregnant women, consider applying the drops topically...

Are there any side effects?

The gift of essences is their ability to work on the subtle energetic levels...

Many people find that the gentleness of essence rebalancing is almost undetected...

They are safe to use in all situations and highly effective...

Current research

Recent testing with an energy measuring device in Japan show extremely high and consistent energy ratings...

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Pacific Essences

Flower Essences

The healing gifts of the flowers of the Pacific Northwest on Vancouver Island...

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Pacific Essences

Sea Essences

The 24 sea essences promote transformations in consciousness...

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Pacific Essences

Gem & Crystal Essences

The gem and crystal remedies from Pacific Essences®...

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Pacific Essences

Goddess Remedies

Demeter, Isis, Kali, Kuan Yin, Lakshmi, Maya, Persephone, Radha, Shakti, Sita

For both men and women, each essence within the ten goddess remedies...

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Pacific Essences

Essence Combinations

Essences create a new energetic blueprint for the Body/Mind...

When a number of essences are combined in a formula the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts...

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Abundance: Essence, Oil, Spray & Program

Essence Combination

Abundance® essence alleviates self doubt, encourages self worth...

Both oil and spray are a combination of the Abundance® essence...

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Pacific Essences

Balancer : Essence, Oil & Spray

Essence Combination

The Balancer® essence is a powerful adjunct to any holistic health first aid kit...

The Balancer® essence, oil and spray all have the effect...

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Pacific Essences

Heart Spirit: Essence, Oil & Spray

Essence Combination

The Heart Spirit® essence dissolves old heart pain...

It promotes self worth and lends new meaning to the dignity...

Both oil and spray contain pure rose oil and Heart Spirit® essence...

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Pacific Essences

The 18+ Good Vibrations

Essence Combination

Inspired by the overwhelming results that our customers...

Each of these special synergistic blends have been built around one particular essence...

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Pacific Essences

Five Elements

Essence Combination

The 5 Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine are fundamental archetypes...

Practitioners of TCM learn to connect with the expression of the 5 elements...

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Essences for Animals

Essence Combination

Energy Medicine® from Nature for the Animals We Love…

Animals have a rich capacity for emotions...

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Not sure which essence is best for you?

Call (250) 384-5560 to get more information about how Pacific Essences® can help you!

Contact Us

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The Pacific Essences® Story

How can this happen?

There is an innate tendency in every cell in our bodies to prefer harmony over discord...


Resonance occurs when a cell recognizes an incoming coherent energy...


Homeostasis is the self- regulating process by which biological systems...

What conditions can essences treat?

Essences can treat anything because they are treating the person and not the disease...

How long should I take an essence for?

Usually we take essences one bottle at a time. Then take a break...

How often should I take an essence?

Our recommended dosage is 11 drops morning and evening.

Do you harm the animals to make the Sea Essences?

Pacific Essences made the first sea essences on the planet...

What makes Pacific Essences unique?

Our flower essences are made in the pristine environment...

Are essences safe for children?

Yes essences are completely safe for children and very effective...

Are essences safe for animals?

Yes, essences are completely safe for animals. In fact, we created a special collection of 18 combinations for animals...

How long do essences last?

We put a shelf life of 10 years on all our essence bottles...

Can I get essences without alcohol as a preservative?

No, we only sell essences that use alcohol as the preservative...