Return to Happiness for Animals
Return to Happiness for Animals
Pacific Essences - Return to Happiness for Animals - Essence Combination Flower, Sea & Gem Essences

Return to Happiness for Animals

Only left in stock

30 ml spray bottle

To re-pattern the heart for love and acceptance after loss

Return to Happiness

Essences (Realm) Combinations for Animals
Resonance Acceptance
Key Attractors Moving forward in life with grace and ease
Key Challenges Loss of significant people or other animals d/t death or re-homing, Loss of interest in play, food, interaction, Withdrawn, Depression related to loss, Life changes - moving to a new location or situation
Meridians Bladder, Conception Vessel, Governing Vessel, Heart, Kidney, Lung, Spleen
Chakras Crown, Heart, Sacral/Sex, Solar, Plexus, Third Eye/Ajna, Throat
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual Acceptance Change

2 – 3 light sprays on animal’s coat or on their kennel or bed.

Spray on hand and apply to animal’s coat.

Spray on food or in water bowl.

Contain less alcohol and no fragrance.

No essential oil or aromatherapy added.


To re-pattern the heart for love and acceptance after loss


Return to Happiness

Essences (Realm) Combinations for Animals
Resonance Acceptance
Key Attractors Moving forward in life with grace and ease
Key Challenges Loss of significant people or other animals d/t death or re-homing, Loss of interest in play, food, interaction, Withdrawn, Depression related to loss, Life changes - moving to a new location or situation
Meridians Bladder, Conception Vessel, Governing Vessel, Heart, Kidney, Lung, Spleen
Chakras Crown, Heart, Sacral/Sex, Solar, Plexus, Third Eye/Ajna, Throat
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual Acceptance Change


2 – 3 light sprays on animal’s coat or on their kennel or bed.

Spray on hand and apply to animal’s coat.

Spray on food or in water bowl.

Contain less alcohol and no fragrance.

No essential oil or aromatherapy added.