Spring Cleaning Blog Post

Spring Cleaning - Origins and Benefits

Posted by Sabina Pettitt on

I always feel better when my counters are clear, my bed is made, and my desk is tidy.  I no longer buy into the notion that a messy desk is the sign of creativity.  In fact when I check in with myself I notice that I accomplish much less when I am in the middle of clutter.  So with Spring officially here on the Equinox at March 20 this year I have decided to commit the whole month of March to Spring cleaning.  In my mind this is akin “Letting go of the old so I can welcome the new.”


But first, a little about where the idea and practice of Spring Cleaning came about.  I always thought it was the Middle Ages and earlier where people were coming out of cold winters where there was very little air flow inside their shelters, and they had fires burning inside all winter for heat and cooking.


In fact, a Google search says that spring cleaning may have begun in Iran for the celebration of Persian New Year on the first day of spring.  Everything in the house is thoroughly cleaned and this practice of khaneh tekani literally translates as “shaking the house.”


Other researchers attribute spring cleaning to the Jewish culture of cleaning the home in preparation for Passover and purging the space of anything leavened (chametz) or fermented.  And in fact, after doing a thorough cleaning of the space orthodox Jews would do a candlelight ceremony the night before Passover to hunt for the last crumbs of chametz.


Pagans did cleaning in preparation for the Spring Equinox where they celebrated new life and fertility.


And later Christians did cleaning and clearing in preparation for the feast of Easter, the first Sunday after the first full moon after the 21st of March (Spring Equinox)


Japan, Scotland and many other countries do cleaning and space clearing before the New Year – traditionally the first of January to clear the way for new possibilities and manifestations.


All this to say that it seems that spring cleaning is a multicultural experience.  And that’s a good thing, right??  Because the more things we have in common the easier it is to focus on co-creation of the world in which we want to live.


I already feel like I am on a new trajectory since I began this Blog a couple of days ago.  And I have already half-filled two boxes of recycling – stuff which we have not used in a while and which someone else might be able to use right now.  Just imagine how I will feel by the end of March!!!!  I await with joyful anticipation.


Seriously though, I think there are huge benefits to be derived from spring cleaning and decluttering.  Some of these are: 

  • Enjoy a cleaner, simpler more vibrant living space.
  • Feel lighter physically.
  • Feel clearer mentally.
  • Cut the threads that bind you to any past unpleasant people or experiences so that you actually have an emotional spring cleaning as well.
  • Create space for new thoughts and feelings which unfold as exuberant creative expression and fulfillment of our Life Purpose.

 And remember Spring is the Wood element in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Every seed has a purpose to become the best expression of what it is supposed to become – an Oak, a Cherry, a Maple.  Just like the plant kingdom each of us began as a seed and each of us has a Life Purpose.  Spring cleaning and Decluttering may well help you to find yours.


With love and blessings

 Pacific Essences Sabina Pettit

Sabina Pettitt



And to celebrate Spring Cleaning at Pacific Essences we are having a clearance sale on all the Precious Jewels and mini sprays.  Uplifting essence enhanced aromatherapy to lift your spirit and nourish your soul.  50% off while quantities last.  Shop all Specials

March Spring Cleaning Special

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