Yellow Pond-Lily Flower Essence

Release Attachments

Yellow Pond Lily Flower Essence is for floating free of emotions and attachments, feeling strong and secure in my path, blesses relationships.

Manifestation: I am not my feelings.

¥2,500 Sale Save
Size 30ml

Yellow Pond Lily

Nuphar polysepalum

Essences (Realm) Flower Essences
Resonance Letting go
Key Attractors Inner Strength, Security
Key Challenges Attachment, Doubt
Meridians Bladder
Chakras Throat
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual
  • Grace
  • Non-attachment to relationships
  • Releasing emotions
  • Security
  • Strength
  • Attachment
  • Doubt
  • Senses - Speaking
  • Inner Strength
  • Letting go
  • Centering

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lily Michaud
Really long roots.

I am enjoying this essence, and am still discovering its capacities. I was having trouble, after a car accident, with urinary incontinence when I stood after peeing. I was stumped for a while but then flipped open an herb book to the description of pond lily. It is used for vaginal prolapse, which struck me as making more sense than bladder prolapse. I started drinking it as a tea and immediately a shift happened in my urinary function. Personally I found a connection in the long roots (around 15ft or so!). I feel very connected to past lives and this plant felt like it understood and knew how not to get bogged down. The accident was also making me feel so much more emotional, to the point where I didn’t want to interact with people unless with well loved people or it was absolutely necessary. I got your essence book in the mail and flipped it open to yellow pond lily. So I ordered some to try. Now I take both (in my appropriately bright yellow cup) and my pee problems are 100% resolved. I also like the motto “I am not my emotions.”

I find that some herbs can be incomplete using only one part. Or side effects of a plant may be resolved by other parts of the plant (eg using corn silk to palliate corn allergies). I don’t usually move in that direction so quickly, but I am glad I did. The spirits were communicating. This plant is hard to come by in commerce. Thank you for offering it.