Essence of Success

To celebrate love and life. Honouring the unique expression of Spirit in all of creation.

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Essence of Success

Essences (Realm) Combinations
Resonance Celebration
Key Attractors

Devotion, Harmony, Fulfillment, Presence, Presents, Love, Joy, Celebration, Blessings, Curiosity, Compassion, Gratitude, Consciousness, Inspiration

Key Challenges Mass consciousness, Brainwashing, Succumbing to external pressures, Propaganda, Public opinion, Popular beliefs and mores
Meridians Heart, Heart Protector, Liver
Chakras Heart, Crown
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual
  • Tapping into Source / All That Is
  • Knowing our Purpose
  • Cultivating the ability to be guided by our Inner Knowing
  • Celebrate love and life
  • Honouring the unique expression of Spirit in all of creation

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
jamie morris
Unexpected success!

I have restless leg syndrome--of the soul. No matter how excellent my current circumstances, I always yearn for what's next: new abode, better friends, upgraded job. This, despite the fact that my house is beautiful, my friends are loving, and my job (I work for myself on creative projects with amazing clients) is, well, perfect!

Still, I yearn. Most recently, and for several years, I've yearned for a different work situation. I've discussed this ad infinitum with friends, spirit guides, my cats.

When Pacific Essences released Essence of Success, I thought, "Hey, if I take this, I'll see how to move on to my next career!" But the (cosmic) joke is on me. Just one bottle in, and my restless legs have settled. Suddenly, magically, I find myself appreciating my current work deeply: loving my clients, grateful for my income, happy to get to express myself in a series of creative collaborations.

I know (you know how you just know?) this long-needed shift is a result of the kind, patient ministrations of the Essence of Success. I am so grateful for the way the essences revealed the true beauty of my work to me.