Ease Anxiety with these 9 Essences

9 Essences to Help Ease Anxiety

Posted by Sabina Pettitt on

Essences can support our healing journey in so many ways. In times of emotional distress, when fear, worry, and even panic come to the forefront of our experience, Essences can gently ease anxiety and help us return to a state of balance.

Sometimes we don't even need to know why these moments of fear or apprehension surface. Essences can help us to simply let go of these old reactive patterns and tune in to the flow of the present moment. This release in turn invites a healing shift that happens in our own time, and in harmony with our evolving experience.

While you can never go wrong listening to your own intuition and working with the Essences that attract you most, here are some individual Essences and Essence Combinations that can be particularly helpful when looking to ease anxiety.


Poison Hemlock Essence

Poison Hemlock helps us to let go and move through periods of transition without getting stuck. It dissolves physical, emotional and mental paralysis, particularly when we feel a lack of control over external circumstances. It helps us to release ingrained thought patterns that do not serve us in the moment.

Narcissus Essence

Narcissus is the slayer of internal dragons, the little voices of fear which surface when life experiences seem to be a cycle of endless challenges. It helps us to use these experiences to grow, and can calm the butterflies in our stomach and ease anxiety.

Ox-Eye Daisy Essence

Ox-Eye Daisy can provide a sense of total perspective and help keep us centred. It helps us move out of positions of being over-focused, and allows us to tune into a broader point of view. The centre can be a safe place from which to view all of life while maintaining a connection with our own inner being.

Bluebell Essence

Bluebell supports us during times when we experience fear - fear of expressing ourselves, of being noticed, of being ridiculed, of being punished. This Essence allows us to step out from the imagined comfort of being hidden in the crowd and to express our own uniqueness.


Urchin Essence

Urchin is beneficial for safety and psychic protection - a powerful remedy to use when charting unknown territory. Mentally, this Essence alleviates worry and obsessive thinking. Emotionally it affects compulsive behaviour and addictions. It can help ease anxiety and dispel panic attacks.


Snowdrop Essence

Snowdrop helps us to let go, have fun, and lighten up! This Essence combines enthusiasm, inspiration, and joyful exploration of life experiences. It embodies qualities of personal power and leadership, offering a sense of inner strength and vitality.

Grass Widow Essence

Grass Widow helps us to question our beliefs and change them if they are not working for us. If we are not radiant and at peace with ourselves, this Essence assists in identifying the underlying belief patterns and strengthens our will to release them.

Fearlessness Essence

Our Fearlessness Essence Combination contains the embrace of Jellyfish, the perspective of Ox-Eye Daisy, the courage of Surfgrass, and Yellow Pond Lily's invitation to let go. It grants the ability to broadcast energy from the heart rather than being overtaken by adrenaline and 'fear vibes'.

Kids' Stuff Essence

Kids' Stuff (good for grownups too!) helps to restore innocence, harmony, and acceptance of 'what is' with calm detachment and a light heart. This Essence nourishes our inner security and and promotes spontaneity, joy and delight.


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