Which Essence Is For Me?

Which Essence Is For Me?

Posted by Sabina Pettitt on

Searching the Pacific Essences Repertory

Sometimes I am still a little bit perplexed when people don’t ‘get’ flower Essences. We live in a world of energy and information, and when I watch someone walk through a forest or by the ocean and witness the change in their gait and posture from tense to relaxed, I am seeing this response to energy in action. But of course, translating that experience into receiving that energy in a bottle is kind of a leap of faith for many.

However, we have 30+ years of case studies and reports which substantiate the impact of these energies. Often the response to an Essence is immediately visible in the demeanour and facial expression of the person taking it.

I will never forget when we were researching Essences with the help of Dr. Mikhael Adams to determine which meridian of Chinese Medicine was being impacted by an Essence. After testing three Essences in a row, he said that the last three felt like Rescue Remedy™, the famous combination for the Bach Flower Essences repertory. So we put them together and gave the combination to the subject, who after lying on the table for over an hour was a little tired.

The shift in his energy was palpable. I always say it was like watching someone who was exhausted from a long hike jump into a waterfall and come out revitalized. This experience led to the creation of Balancer – our combination for shock and trauma, stress and overwhelm. It gently restores harmony to all the chakras and meridians (our Energy Anatomy and Physiology) and helps us to get back into the present moment with the ability to use all of our resources to deal with the situation at hand.

If you are reading this, you are probably already committed to flower Essences as a tool for maintaining your wellbeing. And I am sure there are multiple ways that you know to select them – pendulums, kinesiology or simply being ‘attracted’ to the physical expression of the plant or sea creature. Did you know that the ones you are least attracted to may also have a gift for you?

That is why in our repertory we describe not only the gifts that you may receive from each individual Essence, but also the challenges which that Essence may help to resolve.

Right here on our website, there is also a helping hand that can assist you in finding the Essence you need. That little magnifying glass at the top right corner will provide you with a wealth of information about Essences-related specific signs and symptoms. (Using your mobile device? It's tucked under the three horizontal bars, usually found at the top right corner).

You can search for emotional states, mental patterns, or physical issues as well as all the chakras and meridians with which each Essence resonates.

It is an amazing tool for finding very precise energetic responses to what you are experiencing. I invite you to check it out! 

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